7 Ways to become fit: Healthy Habits For a Life Changing Transformation.
We need to remain fit the most Marvelous thing. For a life changing about humans is that we all are different from each other. Every one is unique in so many ways at a physical level, Mental Level, Emotional level, Spiritual level, so, Healthy Habits is important to find out about ourselves. How to stay fit and healthy for Life Changing

Our “swadharma” is to prioritize our health, That’s why we should follow 7 Ways to Become Fit .our responsibility to ourselves if we are fit and healthy. We do not face the miseries.
Maharshi Patanjali Advises हेयं दुःखमनागतम् l
This Sutra comes in the second chapter of patanjali yoga Sutra it is Number 16 . Pain which is yet to come could be avoided. The important point which is mentioned here is that we should live in the present. So that you can avoid suffering that may come to you.
Now, You may ask how I can live like this ?
I would like to Highlight Seven ways of Healthy Habbit Tips that you may choose to stay fit, healthy and contented.

Once in a month observe fruit day and eat only Fruit to give rest to your digestive system and improve your metabolism. Depending on the season there are varieties of fruits available. Fruits are easily digestible and generate energy and alertness For Healthy Habits.

Because Your body also is made up of around 60% of water. Experts always advise you to drink sufficient water everyday.
Now, If you want to make this Healthy habit more interesting. Then, Twice in a day drink warm water with a pinch of salt and lemon this will detox your system naturally at regular intervals.

WE HAVE TO BE Active And use our muscular and skeleton system once a day, Practice yoga asanas which stretch your Spine in 6 different ways. Upward, Sideward, Bending forward and backward bending, Twisting and inverse these asanas strengthen the muscles of your spine and improve your posture.

Breathe Twice a day sit or stand with your shoulder relaxed and then inhale for 3 counts and exhale for 3 counts practice four rounds of this kind breathing is called as equal breathing and it has the power to dramatically change your emotional state by including calmness within seconds.
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THE CONSTANT CHATTER OF YOUR Mind For 10 minutes every day sitting comfortably in a quiet place preferably in open nature close your eyes make your spine straight relax your shoulder and passively observe your breathing. Just observe without exaggerating your breathing pattern you will experience that gradually and gradually your breathing will become rhythmic and your mind relaxes.

In your Daily schedule Give 10 minutes everyday Attend the potted plants to decorate your window try some new recipes this will rejuvenate your whole being and you will find more creative ways to express yourself.

Once a week involve yourself In Some SELFLESS VOLUNTARY ACTIVITY Like helping the Elderly, Cooking Food for someone who is sick, Teaching under privileged children if you look around you will find plenty of opportunities this will help you to develop empathy for other people and definitely make you a better person.
Follow 7 Ways to Become Fit and discover a better and filtered version of yourself. You will see that the time that you devote to these activities will enrich you in many ways and finally learn to be grateful for all the blessings that you have received in this life.
Frequently Ask questions
What routine can you change for a healthier life?
Engage in regular exercise to boost physical health and reduce stress. Consume a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Can I change my life in 6 months?
Transforming your life in just six months is an achievable goal with dedication, determination, and a strategic approach. Remember, every small step you take today can lead to significant changes tomorrow.
What is the secret to a long life?
So how to live longer, live longer? The researchers found that never smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet and limiting alcohol intake were "keys" to living a longer, healthier life.
How to become attractive in 30 days?
The foundation of attractiveness lies in self-love and care. Take time each day for self-reflection, practicing gratitude, and engaging in activities that bring you joy.

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